
Welcome to Hippapalooza!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Hippapalooza Ba-jibble Center

Welcome to the Ba-jibble Adoption Center! Here is where you can adopt the COOLEST new Ba-jibbles! What's a Ba-jibble, you ask? If you want to know, check out this page or just read info at Ba-jibble Central. To adopt a Ba-jibble, simply click on this link. Once you are at the website that you get to by clicking it, find the Ba-jibble that you like most. Choose the "Share" button across from it, then chose either "Download Image" or "Embed onto Your Site". Happy Adopting!


Scooby SnaKx said...

nt spore badly

Scooby SnaKx said...

sorry i meant i want spore badly

breki said...

awesome creature dude i knew you would like it i have a youtube account just go on youtube and type Breki2 and then tons of spore videos will come up from me!

Owen_Oj pengy said...

Wyatt i need to do polls for dog idol so its fair! if not you could just say 16 votes for someone! so dog idol HAS to be cancelled

Wyatt Counterman said...

To Owen: No, I trust people. I don't think that anyone would do that!
To Breki: I'll do it now!
To SS: Its free at http://spore.com/trial

Hey, breki! That guy is called Dr Nex. He rocks. LOL!

Owen_Oj pengy said...

Wyatt I'm talking about YOU

breki said...

and when he does like arf arf arf thats a good use in creature stage for mating and when you locate yourm amete youll start mating and then youll lay an egg and then youll acces the editor and if you get the original game its better cuz he first had the editor and learn how to use everything

Wyatt Counterman said...

To Owen: You don't trust me? That's sad... :(

To Breki: I loved your awesome Yoshi on YouTube! :D :D :D

Owen_Oj pengy said...

well last time we BOTH kept saying '10 more votes for them, 11 for her!'

Owen_Oj pengy said...

oh yeah like you know 20 people who'd wnat to vote for ur dog?

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