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Saturday, November 29, 2008

What about Christmas? CH. 1

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^AWESOME News Flash image is from Mattawan schools website, thanks Mattawan.

What is What about Christmas? Well, its an CWC or a Comedy Web Comic. It is about... well, you'll find out! I will use this HTML coding to make the story customizable and more HILARIOUS! The story will continue until Christmas, so better keep reading! Here it is!

What About Christmas? A CWC by Wyatt Counterman
Chapter 1-

Once upon a time in a faraway land called there lived a little who loved to buy gifts for its friends. One day, it went up to a(n) and asked "What do you want for Christmas?" the (previous answer) looked at it and said, "I want to have a new car." So it went to the store and bought the thing it didn't even know a brand new car. The (previous answer) then proceded to eat the car, said it needed salt, belched, and left.
The End
~Wyatt :D


ems24 said...

Weird. Wait a sec... NO! THE DINO WON!

Wyatt Counterman said...

Hah, well, I voted dino, sorry...

Owen_Oj pengy said...

the dino stood on the taxi!!!!! WAAAAAAAA!

Wyatt Counterman said...

Heh.... Um.... *whistles innocently*

Ben said...

Dude, I thought I taught you better! If you're going to use images from other websites, you better make sure to give credit where they came from; that "News Flash" image looks a LOT like the one from the school's website :P

Wyatt Counterman said...

Sorry, man!! :0

I'd better put that on right now, hey, do you mind if I use it? I kinda like it...

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