
Welcome to Hippapalooza!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Thank you all!

Thanks so much everyone!!

You have all been such a help to celebrate Hippapalooza's 1st Blogday! (or birthday, anniversary, whatever you wanna call it!)

Here is an annouoncement about Owen's Club Penguin Party to celebrate the 1 year B-day!

The party is arranged! here are the details.

Place - My igloo on club penguin
Time - 9:00am CPT
Date - 31st October (Halloween!)
Server - Fjord

There we have it! By the way its fancy dress, in my last post i said go as an animal but, be whatever you want!

Oj pengy ;-)

Just so you know, I got a new Hippapalooza domain, it is http://hippapalooza.tk/ , however, http://hippapalooza.blogspot.com/ will work as well!

And, I know we just had a party, but another one is coming up! The 200th Post party!! This is post #192, if you were curious, and another little bit of info, the Yellow Puffle People just had their 100th post yesterday! (I'm the only one who knows it, though!!)

Anyway, if you are ever bored online, you could check out this band I made with 3 of my stuffed animals, at http://flashh.tk/ or http://flashh.fuzz.com/ they both work. I KNOW ITS SILLY TO MAKE A BAND WITH STUFFED ANIMALS! I'M JUST WEIRD!

Have a Great Day, Everyone!

~Wyatt :D


Wyatt Counterman said...

Owen, I know you are gonna say, "Wyatt why did you delete my post?" so I'll tell you, I just made that post, and I decided that since were getting close to 200, I needed to do them, if thats okay.

Owen_Oj pengy said...

i know that already! i was expecting you to do that! i wanted you to do that.

Wyatt Counterman said...

Oh, okay, well thank you, Owen! I forgot you didn;t have admin!! I deleted everyone's admin, I just thought I'd like this site my own with the sidebar and such, you understand, right? Well, you can remove my admin on CPM if you want.

Wyatt Counterman said...


Owen_Oj pengy said...

wyatt u dont have admin on cpmania anyway...

Owen_Oj pengy said...

and unless im admin on ur site ur not gonna be on mine. sorry thats the way it goes and by the way... oh man i forgot...

Wyatt Counterman said...

Sorry you forgot!! I guess we should just be authors of each other's site! Hey, I noticed you listened to my new band, sorry, but WJC kinda crashed, too! This one is for good, though!

Owen_Oj pengy said...

how did it crash? its just the same as ur new one but with a different name!

Wyatt Counterman said...

WELL, no it is not! WJC was run by me and Keegan, since me and Keegan are no longer friends, I made a new band (FOR GOOD! STUFFED ANIMALS DONT SLAP YOU!)

Owen_Oj pengy said...

keegan was in wjc???

Wyatt Counterman said...

Yes, he didn't record anything, tho. It just kinda brings back bad memories

Owen_Oj pengy said...

this is the same keegan thats ur best freind right?

Wyatt Counterman said...

Yes, WAS my best friend... sigh...

Owen_Oj pengy said...

my best friend is a uhhh.... wus(ish) he acts reli brave but when the fight starts, he gets struck, and its all over!

Wyatt Counterman said...

Yikes... I don't like fights... Im a p.. pa... pacifist... yeah, thats it! I stay out of them... So, maybe I should do a new post now?

Owen_Oj pengy said...

Already taken care of (a post)

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